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X-PRO team presents at the Workshop on Transitional Interfaces
2021-11-25Workshop on Transitional Interfaces at the ISS
X-Pro Team and international Collaborators organize a Workshop on Transitional Interfaces at the ISS conference
The workshop called “Transitional Interfaces in Mixed and Cross-Reality: A new frontier?” will be held on November 14 as part of the ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference (ISS) in Łódź, Poland. The conference itself lasts from November 14 to 17 and is a meeting point for researchers working on the design, development and use of new and emerging interactive surface technologies and interactive spaces.
The workshop adresses Transitional Interfaces as a means of linking several stages of the Reality-Virtuality continuum, which is the core of the X-Pro project. There are four focus topics for this workshop:
- Defining Transitional Interfaces: Identify differences and commonalities between transitional interfaces and related terms and terminologies (e.g., cross-reality, cross-virtuality, hybrid user interfaces).
- Designing Transitional Interfaces: Compare and discuss designs of interaction and visualization techniques that support seamless transitions while maintaining situational and group awareness.
- Evaluating Transitional Interfaces: Develop cognitive models or constructs for “seamlessness”, “continuity”, or other important qualities of TIs and discuss how to “measure” them in user studies and experiments.
- Building Transitional Interfaces: Discuss and compare hard- and software that especially supports or hinders seamless transitions, e.g., video-based vs. optical see-through, different AR/VR engines, platforms for networked virtual environments.
If you want to participate, you can submit a position paper until October 18, 23:59 AoE.
For more information on the workshop and how to participate, please visit the Workshop Website