X-PRO team presents at the Workshop on Transitional Interfaces
Herbert Jodlbauer honored as researcher of the year
2024-03-04Research Award for Christoph Anthes and Christoph Heinzl
Christoph Anthes and Christoph Heinzl were awarded the Researchers’ Prize
For the year 2021, two of the six researcher prizes awarded went to the X-Pro team. Christoph Anthes, the X-Pro project leader and head of the HIVE research group, was honoured by the FH Oberösterreich with the Researcher Award. Christoph Heinzl, head of the work package for the analysis & visualisation of volumetric test data and head of the Research Center Wels, was also honoured as a young researcher for his outstanding research work. This prize is awarded annually to two researchers and four young researchers by the FH Upper Austria. The important benchmarks taken into account here are publications and acquired research project funds. The acquired research funds enable the research work be carried out. The findings generated in the course of this research are ultimately shared with the scientific community through publication in renowned journals and at recognised conferences. In 2021, ten papers were published by Christoph Anthes and six papers by Christoph Heinzl. Of these 16 publications by the two researchers, seven were part of the X-Pro project.
In addition to Christoph Anthes and Christoph Heinzl, the FH Upper Austria also awarded this prize to the head of the ASIC energy research group at Wels Campus, Gerald Steinmaurer, and the three young researchers Günther Mayr, Sarah Pfoser and Johannes Preiner were also honoured for their outstanding research work.
The X-Pro team is grateful for this recognition of their research work and congratulates all the other award winners on their research successes!