Workshop on Transitional Interfaces at the ISS
Research Award for Christoph Anthes and Christoph Heinzl
2022-01-27X-PRO team presents at the Workshop on Transitional Interfaces
The X-PRO team participated in the ISS conference and presented six position papers at the Workshop on Transitional Interfaces
From November 15 – 17 the X-PRO team had the pleasure to take part in the ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference (ISS) including the Workshop on Transitional Interfaces organised by Hans-Christian Jetter and Christoph Anthes as well as five other international collaborators. The conference was held in the beautiful city of Łódź in Poland at the Lodz University of Technology.
The whole conference was organised as a hybrid conference where participants could take part either virtually or in person. However, the organisational team of the conference and the technical team at the Lodz University of Technology did a wonderful job in overcoming the obstacles that come with hybrid conferences. We are very thankful for the effort that was put into the organisation of this hybrid event so the X-PRO team could attend the conference both in person and virtually.
We are also very proud that the X-PRO team was able to present six position papers at the Workshop on Transitional Interfaces.
- Germane Elements for the Evaluation of Transitional Interfaces, by Judith Friedl, Janine Mayer and Christoph Anthes
- Cross Virtuality Analytics in Materials Sciences, by Alexander Gall, Bernhard Fröhler and Christoph Heinzl
- Columetric Data Interaction in AR and VR Using a Handheld Touch-Sensitive Device, by Janine Mayer, Stefan Auer, Judith Friedl and Christoph Anthes
- A Generic Architecture for Cross-Virtuality, by Fabian Pointecker, Daniel Schwajda, Dominik List and Christoph Anthes
- AutoSimAR: In-Vehicle Cross-Virtuality Transitions between Planar Displays and 3D Augmented Reality Spaces, by Andreas Riegler, Christoph Anthes, Clemens Holzmann, Andreas Riener and Shiva Mohseni
- Transforming Graph-based Data Visualisations from Planar Displays into Augmented Reality 3D Space, by Daniel Schwajda, Fabian Pointecker, Leopold Böss and Christoph Anthes

After the workshop the X-PRO team then participated in the conference itself with topics ranging from Physical Props in Virtual Reality to Spatial Experiences and Human-Dog Video Calls and researchers coming from all over the world such as Australia, Canada, Japan and Finnland.
It was an especially great experience to attend the conference in presence since for many of the X-PRO team this was the first conference they would attend. Moreover, it provided us with great opportunities to talk with researchers from all over the world about opportunities for collaboration.